Sad wishing I could get an ultrasound sooner.


So I got my very first ultrasound at 7wks. All that was shown was a teeny tiny blob. Nothing at all that resembled a baby (obviously too early for this). Anyways my next ultrasound is not supposed to be until my 20 week anatomy scan. I'll be 16wks tomorrow, so I only have another 4 weeks to go.

I just get sad seeing everyone post photos of 14, 15, 16, etc. weeks and I have yet to actually see my baby's face or anything other then a tiny blob 😭

I know this is probably stupid to be sad over lol. Can't help these hormones!! It just feels unfair 😩

With my daughter I had 3 or 4 ultrasounds before the anatomy scan!

Anyone else being deprived of ultrasounds lol?