Not hopeful ๐Ÿ’”

My husband have been trying a long time, we had a beautiful baby boy last year but he was born sleeping ๐Ÿ’”, been trying ever since, I had a chemical in October and I just feel like it's going to happen again. I took the 1st test on Sunday afternoon with a 4hr hold (wasn't planning on testing but was going to end up drinking so thought I would just on the safe side) and NEVER expected a faint line to show up, 2nd test was Monday fmu but was only about a 4hr hold again but also took a FRER and was quite dark, the last one was this morning, I think it's the tiniest bit darker but bearly, at 13dpo. I don't feel the way I did when I got pregnant with my boy, my boobs havnt swollen, and they swelled alot by now with my 1st pregancy and I keep getting really bloated and TMI had constipation but was a slightly iffy tummy this morning and hurd that's a sight of miscarriage/chemical, so I'm so scared I'm having another chemical, I have had so much loss already so I can't stop worring that this isn't our rainbow. Anyone elts had this and everything was OK, I may be overthinking but like I say, I've been through so much and I'm loosing hope ๐Ÿ’”

Becci - thank you, I think I'm mainly stressing because I have no symptoms in the slightest and just hoping that I have a darker positive for tomorrow ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป

Kimberly - I'm doing anonymous because I know people that use this app and don't want anyone to recognise me and see the tests. But thank you for your replies ๐Ÿ’™ I was more worried that it turned to a slight iffy tummy this morning and I've read that is a sign of miscarrage. I hope I get a stronger test result tomorrow to ease my nerves and call my brevement midwife ๐Ÿ’™. Also I'm sorry to hear about your miscarrage ๐Ÿ’™