Tonsils and adenoids are out!


Friday was the big day. After waiting since December for this surgery it finally happened and it was rough! We're having issues with my mother in law so we didn't have anyone to watch our oldest. I had to take her by myself. The told up to be there at 6:15 for an 8:15 surgery and she didn't go back until 10:30. The surgery didn't last long maybe 45 minutes. She went to recovery they told me she would be in recovery for 30 minutes to an hour before I could go back. 10 minutes after getting off the phone with the dr they were rushing me to recovery. She was big mad screaming hitting kicking asking for me and her shoes. They gave her morphine and it just made her more mad! She was doing everything she could to get out of anybodys hands. We'd put her in the crib and she'd try to climb out. All while screaming hitting kicking just whatever she could do. We were there for maybe 10 minutes and they rushed her to post op. They had me carry her and her iv bag all while she's fight me across the hospital. When we got to post op she was nowhere close to calming down. All I can describe post op as was chaos! The nurses were running all over the place and trying to get her calmed down. The dr came in and gave her a sedative to calm her down and it did nothing! She was screaming for her daddy which they wouldn't let in the hospital because he had our 4 year old with him. They told me to call him and get him there. They would meet him at the door. So he got there quickly and came back and help her still didn't help much... they kept saying she had to eat a popsicle or drink something before she could go home and they gave her probably 8 Popsicles but the would just let it melt. She wouldn't eat it. Me her and her dad were just sticky when we left. She was still just angry and fighting and they hand me postop instructions and discharge papers and said we could leave. She said she's walk us out for my husband to get the car. We got to the car and get her in her seat and the nurse says ok this is the hard park and takes her iv out. Like they couldn't do that in the hospital. She's 4 days postop and she's ok. She's having a hard time with the pain. She's already tired of ice cream and Popsicles. She's asking for honey buns and pizza... I didn't think it'd be this long! I'm sorry!

Here's my girl in preop watching cartoons high as a kite!