chemical urethritis?

About 4 days ago in an attempt to protect myself from frequent UTI's, I started washing my intimate parts with an antibacterial soap by Summers <a href="">Eve</a>. During then I washed, but I suspect I didn't rinse well because the very next day I've had painful urinations. Haven't washed with the soap since- frequency in urination has gone down somewhat since then, and doesn't hurt as badly but still pinches. The only reason I'm skeptical if this is a full UTI or not is because of how quickly it happened after washing with the new soap and how it doesn't feel quite as bad as a UTI. I did have sex however 2 days before trying the new soap, but I urinated and took Azo probiotics afterward. Are these symptoms now just due to chemical irritation? If so, what can I do to help it? how can i save myself from the horrors or painful urination 🥲