My SURPRISE Birth Story


Here I Have the Whole Break Down of My Surprise Pregnancy/Birth. My Aunt Wrote this, Since She was with me the whole time. TIME LINE: Tuesday May 17th Went to Hospital. Wednesday May 18th Found Out I was Pregnant. Saturday May 21 Had my Baby. FULL STORY BELOW !!!

Tyesha Marine wasn't feeling well, and in a lot of pain. Her stubborn self refused to go to the hospital, but I did talk her into making an appointment later in the month. By Tuesday night she was still in pain, and I talked her into going to the hospital. We walked into Easton ER at 10 pm. At around 3 am, we finally get taken back, and the nurse and Dr come in. First, ask "who is this?" And looks at me because, well. Yeah. 👀🤣. Tye says "that's my Aunt and she can be here." Dr first asks her the symptoms, problems etc. Then he asks her a question.... "Did you know you were pregnant?"

When I tell you that the air went out of the room, I mean it.... Tye, well, being Tye says... "well HELL NO!!!". The Dr goes on to explain that yes, she is pregnant and they want to do an ultrasound due to the location of the pain. With the current symptoms, and history, they should be looking for an approximately 5 week old baby on the screen. The Dr puts the probe on her belly... pulls back... looks at me... puts it back... starts to stutter. He says... "um. I. I think. I think we are more than 5 weeks...." and I look on the screen and see...yes... a more than 5 week old baby on that screen.... Tye won't look and is giving me the death stare because she cannot process what he just said, so I ask... "not 5, so how many weeks, Dr?". He says, I'm not an ob, but more than 20... Tye looks at the screen and yells... "THERE'S A F*CKING BABY IN THERE?!" and immediately grabs me and says... "BRANDY HOW LONG IS 20 WEEKS?!?!?!". 5 months. 😳

The Dr says he wants an actual OB consult and ultrasound because he admits he's only looking for a few things and can't give a ton of details and the wait begins. Tye gets taken upstairs and they start the work up. Final verdict: 32 weeks, 6 days, a girl, due July 7. And... she may be delivering early due to possible preclampsia.

The phone calls started, and I watched Tye tell people what was happening before she processed it herself. I watched her panic and rally and worry and be excited all in the same breath. She never skipped a beat.

Due to some numbers being concerning, and the baby being under 34 weeks, Tye was sent to Baltimore to get stable and get more info on The Hide and Seek Champ of 2022. She gets set up, gets stabilized, and remains in good spirits.

It's now Thursday and appears things are calming down. The baby is stable, Tye remains calm and ready to take on the world. She gets an ultrasound, definitely a girl, and 33 weeks. All is calm, and the focus is on getting Tye's numbers where they need to be.

Still reading? Don't stop... we aren't done yet. Friday morning she calls me, that super chipper "Hiiiiii" when I pick up the phone. I said hiiii back, and she says.. "whatcha doin' today?" 🤨.... "what's up Tye.... you okay?" she says, "yeahhhh, I'm great. You're gonna come to Baltimore because I'm being induced and you're going to meet your Goddaughter today" Off to Baltimore I go, Jeep going as fast as a brick can!

At 5:00 she was 4 cm dilated, laughing about everything, telling me she wanted pizza and cheesy bread and we settled in for the night, thinking we would see some action in the morning. Tye kept calm and barely felt normal contractions at regular intervals. They broke her water around 8 pm, placed some extra monitors and she napped on and off. This went on until almost 10, and she didn't start feeling contractions until closer to 11. We asked for an epidural around 1130 or 12, and were waiting for the necessary bloodwork. At 12:45, the Dr came in, and she was dilated to an 8, and she left to push the epidural and start to prep for the big push.

At 1:09 this morning, Tye was having a contraction, and said "Brandy, there is something there." I looked down in time to see a tiny little head, and had time to say, "Gabby" (it was only me and Gabby in the room because everyone else left to prep) and put my hand toward the bed, and here comes little Ms. Brave Amour, the little girl who refused to make herself known until she was ready, on her terms and no one else's.

Just like her Mother, this little girl blazed a path into life that will never be forgotten. I am beyond grateful that I was a part of this insane journey where I watched my best friend fast track a pregnancy and go from zero to baby in less than 72 hours. I'm not sure that the world is ready for the two of you, but I do know that I cannot wait to watch Tye grow into an amazing Mom and watch my Goddaughter Brave Amour continue to make her own path in life.

What a wild ride, Tye. Thanks for letting me drive... and catch ;)