
Hey, hope anyone reading this is okay 💕

I need some advice so I started talking to this guy a couple weeks ago but I don’t think I really want to be with him, I’m not sure.

I don’t know if I’m just being selfish by when he really just cares a lot but he’s constantly asking my location, wants to be on call 24/7, said I can always live with him if I don’t want to be at home(I have a bad relationship with my parents) but it seems strange cause I’ve only just got to know him sort of, and I met up with him the other day, I wanted to wait a bit until sex and he didn’t even wear a condom cause he said it hurt him. Is this bad or am I over thinking ? I’m 17 and he’s 21 so a few years older, maybe he’s just using that to his advantage idk

Thanks for reading tho, any advice would be appreciated also on how do I leave him, he does not stop telling me how much he loves me and I feel so bad 💜