Please help. Questions about 420 friendly during pregnancy

So as the title says, I have questions about 420 & pregnancy. I know that the same as cigarettes, they don’t prefer u to smoke at all. But I heard it helps with cramps & morning sickness, etc. I normally smoke 420 daily, as I suffer from PTSD, Depression, Bipolar, & Anxiety. I just recently found out I’m pregnant, for the 3rd time!🤞🏽😇🙏🏽 I’ve lost 2 pregnancies. But with this one I seem to be in a lot more pain, & throwing up more frequently. So I was just wondering how much 420 are u allowed to smoke that won’t harm my baby? & how to smoke? Glass or blunts? I’m sorry that I’m asking. But until I can get on Medicaid to see an OB, I need something to help me.😭