Feeling like dirt. No motivation


This is my 4th pregnancy- my first 3 we’re pretty easy with very mild icky feeling the first trimester.. here I am at 7 weeks and have been feeling like shit since 4.5 weeks. I work out 5 days a week and have been for about 9 months now. I can hardly bring myself to do it and I don’t want to get out of the habit. It was hard to get into it.. but they are worthless workouts. How do people keep going? I can’t even bring myself to take my pre work out anymore. It just sounds disgusting. I also have no motivation to make supper.. my poor kids had pb and j 3 nights in a row this long weekend( my husband is law enforcement and we didn’t see him the whole holiday weekend. I had no help) I’m so tired of feeling this way and there are too many weeks to go till I’m out of this first tri!!!