Pregnancy loss


Today 7/5/22 I had a doctor appointment today and I was so happy and excited to get to hear my babies heart beat and to get the genetics testing done and my OB did a ultrasound in the office and he had this look on his face that something was wrong and he tells me that he couldn’t see and cardiac rhythm and that the baby was only measuring at 9 weeks instead of 11 weeks. He then tells me that there are some options I can take like wait and see if I pass the baby on my own or do another ultrasound in a week to confirm that my baby is really gone or take some pills to help pass it or I could go and get a D&C done but I would have to wait to get pregnant again. I asked my husband what should we do and he said let’s do the other ultrasound then go from there and all I could do is cry. I have cried so much. All I can do is ask what did I do wrong for me to lose my baby that I have been waiting for. For so long😭😭😭😭