Remembering unimportant and specific details from years ago... but not remembering if I ate lunch today

C 🖤

Just wondering if this is something other people experience?

For example;

I own a tattoo studio and, as you can imagine, meet a lot of people on a day to day basis. I often have very brief conversations with people who are getting tattooed by a colleague and that’s the entirety of our interaction ever, but I could pass them in the street years later and be like “oh that’s John Smith, he came and got tattooed at the studio 7 years ago, he had a star on his left wrist to cover up a small scar. I wonder how his mum is- she fell and broke her hip a little while before but was still on the waiting list for an operation. Nice guy. Rescued 2 little dogs called Rex and Fido”.

But I can’t remember to pay the bill that’s been taped to my front door for 3 weeks or what I did two hours ago.

Is this a thing or am I just extra weird? 😂