I need help!!!!

I’ve recently gotten on my own with my husband. He’s lived in this home his entire life and now pays bills to it. He was willed into a couple pieces of land and has lifetime rights in this home now. Him and his dad split ownership/ tenancy 50/50 to our current home and his grandparents home where his parents moved. About 2 years before his parents left, they had let my husbands aunt stay a few nights when she was evicted from her home. Needless to say it’s been 4 years and we’ve had enough. We’re almost positive she’s an addict, she cooks full meals for her and her husband and doesn’t offer. Shes paid 0 bills to us. She’s thrown our clothes away, my sons clothes away, and toys. Ripping my garden up… on top of nonstop arguing and damaging our back bedroom at 3am. I’m at a loss as to what I can do. She’s under no lease to my husband but due to it being his mothers sister, she’s told us we can’t evict. Can someone give me some advice that might know what I can do legally? /Edit: I’ve looked into a lawyer and I really can’t afford to pay for one.