Pregnancy test still this dark? Anyone else who has experienced this??



I don’t even know where to begin. I tested faint positive on a pregnancy test June 11th. By June 13th/14th they were obviously positive and a positive digital. My pregnancy tests only got darker and darker from there, becoming dye stealers.

On June 22nd I started having light pink but mostly brown spotting that would start barely and then stop off and on. I decided for peace of mind to go in early at 6 weeks for an ultrasound. Doctor saw my uterus super thick and built up but baby wasn’t forming anymore.

June 22nd the heavy bleeding began and ever since then I’ve been bleeding heavy, passing lots of clots, and only now is it sort of starting to slow down but still bleeding. My HCG on June 29th was at a 177. I go Wednesday for another draw to see where it’s at.

If you’ve gotten this far… my question is should my test still be this dark? I also am feeling what is normally my ovulation pain and got a crazy dark ovulation test today. So I’m thinking I’m ovulating while still having some bleeding but also in the back of my mind worried it could be an ectopic? She said at the 6 week ultrasound that my ovaries and tubes looked fine but I’m just paranoid I guess?

Has anyone else still had this dark of a pregnancy test after 2 weeks of heavy bleeding?

This was my ovulation test this morning

Thank you if you read all of this or have any prior experience with this/thoughts!! 😫🙏🏻

So just ready to be done bleeding and move on to trying for our babe 😔