Boy vs girl baby clothes

All my friends who are parents of baby girls or both boys and girls are always complaining about the difference between baby clothing selection. They say there’s so many unique and cute girl out fits but it’s so hard to find cute outfits for little boys!! And I’ve even seen posts on the internet of people talking about the same thing.

Am I the only one who COMPLETELY disagrees?? Lol I’m not a parent but I look at baby clothes for gifts and stuff. Girl clothes are always big ass bows and ugly dresses and gross floral sparkly looking pink things and and stupid saying on them like “little miss perfect” or “drama queen”.

And boy clothes are always so cute like little teddy overalls, baby shark hoodies, cute little dinosaurs and baby blue onsies 😱 💕

And yes I realize girls can wear “boy clothes” but I just disagree with the whole “girl clothes are cute boy clothes suck” thing. Cause if I have a girl I’m gonna have a hard time finding cute girly outfits lol.

What do YOU think is cuter?

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