Financial situation


My husband and I both work but they’re low wage jobs because there’s no jobs to be found in the field we went university for.

He gets paid the last Friday of the month and I get paid somewhere around the 14th of the month.

We get by but usually end up ‘waiting’ for my wage to come into my bank and the same the other way round because we get low on money.

Lately my boss seems to be playing around with the dates I get paid. Even to the point where sometimes I have to wait until the 21st/22nd of the month.

Although we always make it work, it gives me a lot of stress and I feel bad about it.

Is it unreasonable for me to ask my boss what is going on? And to tell him that I need my wage to come in around the same time? +- 2 days difference max?

It’s not like we act stupid with our income, everything that’s bought it thought through.. but I can’t keep doing things like this. It’s taking a toll on me and although I don’t want my boss to know that, I need something to change.

Any advice ?