Baby poop


Hey all my son will be 5 months on the 22nd my pediatrician said to start solids since he was eating a ton he eats like 6 oz 6 times a day today we did apples and he had pooped 7 times which he normally goes 1 time a day and it was a weird like greenish grayish yellowish color just now which he had a ton of diaper cream on so I am wondering if that was apart of the color. Does that mean apples aren’t agreeing with him? I will say he went 2 times before he had the apples which again he normally goes once so idk is this cause for concern? I call his nurse all the time so I am trying to figure out if I need to

I would like to add he is a supported sitter he was cleared by doctor for solids I only fed him a tablespoon.

Just worried about the volume of poop and it is like diarrhea but a little more solid than that