“Killing” myself over trying to get baby to sleep…

Karolina • Polish Mom with three boys Dawid 8/28/2017, Filip 7/27/2019 and Oskar 4/22/2022 - Living in Kansas.

I think I’m just trying too hard and I need to take a step back and let him be a baby. He is only 12 weeks old and just is not ready to connect that sleep cycles just yet. He takes super short naps and I just get upset when he wakes up after 20-30min I spend another 20-30min trying to comfort him and get him back to sleep, eventually I just pick him up and let him sleep in my arms. Bedtime is almost the same, he doesn’t even give me a good first stretch. So I end up having him sleep with/on me in my bed. I also have a 5 and 3 year old, and I think I just want him to be like them already when they sleep through the night. Just needed to vent a little…