Large breasts & breastfeeding - bras and advice!

Rebekah • Rivers Jude 💙 Born 07/01/22

Hi there! I’m a ftm and my baby boy was born July 1. He was a nice surprise coming in at 5 weeks early! 😅

I’ve been struggling to find a nursing bra that fits properly and offers any sort of support without being too tight. During pregnancy I wore an XL Busty Kindred Bravely and some XL of another random brand. Since my milk came in nothing fits! The kindred bravely is closest but still a little restricting and I’m worried it’ll cause problems for my breasts.

I tried ordering the largest size (xl busty) in several brands but none fit despite the sizing chart suggesting otherwise. The motherhood maternity one was ridiculously small. I tried to measure the other day and it looks like I’m somewhere around a 38 G at this point. Help! 🥲 I go back to work in less than 4 weeks and need to find something comfortable and supportive!

Also, I’d love any advice on breastfeeding tips and positions. We will be continuing to work with a lactation consultant but sometimes the boobs are so in my way and I just want to scream! 😂