Lost my second baby


I went in for a scan at 11 weeks because I had some worrisome spotting. I found out that the heart had stopped beating. We saw the baby and the heart beat at 7w5d. They told me at 11 weeks that it was measuring at 7w6d, but the baby I saw looked much different than the first time I saw it, so I think it actually passed further into the 8th week. My doctor did say that they will sometimes shrink a little after they stop developing. This is my second miscarriage in a year (I had a chemical last August). I’m feeling broken, and hopeless. I know that now that I’ve had two in a row, my chances of miscarriage increase slightly. I have no living children and I want to be a mom so badly. I have a D&C scheduled in a couple of days and I am nervous about the procedure, the recovery, and my cycles regulating so that we can try again. We’ve been trying since November 2020 and it’s starting to feel impossible. Sending hugs, prayer, and baby dust to anyone else who’s experienced loss or is struggling to get pregnant/stay pregnant.