Missed work for urgent medical need


Hi, I’m coming here to vent and hopefully get some support. I found out this morning I have non-melanoma skin cancer. I haven’t told my family or friends yet besides my sister.

I called my employer and asked to take tomorrow off because they told me I need to get it removed as soon as possible and get another biopsy so we can see exactly what type of cancer it is. They scheduled me for tomorrow.

When I called my manager I simply told her it was an urgent medical appointment I can’t miss and I won’t be there tomorrow and she got a really nasty attitude with me and said no I can’t give you the day off I need you here tomorrow. So I thought for a second and decided maybe I should tell her what’s going on. That she’d probably be more understanding and let me go and she said.. I mean your scheduled like I said I I can’t give you the day off.

So I said “ I didn’t call to ask and it’s not for debate, I’m informing you that I WILL NOT be there, you’ll have to find other arrangements that day.” And then we got off the phone . She changed the schedule to “called in” in red which is not a thing. I’ve never seen that down for another employee who called in.

I’m fucking livid. Part of me thinks I’ll no call no show the next day I’m scheduled as just never show up to work again and the other half of me is like .. no report this to the general manager because that’s messed up and if that’s how she’s gonna treat employees she shouldn’t be in a position of power. Showing empathy and humility is far more important.

What would you do in this situation.

Edit. I’ve worked here for over a year as a supervisor and have never called in sick. Literally not that that should even matter and I have a ton of accrued sick leave.