Trust your gut- trigger re: ectopic pregnancy


Just wanted to share my story and say to trust your gut. I recently found out I was pregnant, I had a bit of bleeding (very minor) and also had what I was calling bouts of gas pain. I pressed my doctor to check my HCG levels- they said I could just monitor but I wanted the blood work done. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy that we caught early. This was devastating. I received methotrexate. A few days went by and I continued to have my ‘gas pains’ but the pain episodes were pretty severe. I called a doctor Sunday and he dismissed it. Two days later I had another and was alone. I was in so much pain I almost called 911 but was afraid that I would be told ‘it’s just gas’ as I didn’t have any symptoms of my ectopic rupturing. I went to the ER and it turns out I was bleeding internally. I needed emergency surgery to remove

My tube and ovary. This has been traumatic but I just wanted to caution everyone to trust your instincts because it could have been much worse for me.