Exclusive pumping vs breastfeeding

I’m needing some advice. My daughter is home from the nicu and almost full term. We had a great breast feeding relationship while she was in the nicu and then when I wasn’t there they would bottle feed and I would pump. Well now that she’s home I’ve been breast feeding but we saw a LC and she did a weighted feed and I guess she only transferred about an ounce during that feed. So the LC recommended that I pump on top of nursing her to get an over supply so that maybe it’ll make it easier for her to transfer milk and then bottle feed her whatever I pump. But I’m seriously so exhausted doing that I feel like I need to pick one or the other to focus on because this is too much and I’m obviously leaning toward pumping but pumping 8-10 times a day with a newborn and a 5 year old is crazy. Any exclusive pumpers? I can average about 2.5 oz per pumping session 3-4 hours during the day when I’m not breast feeding which doesn’t seem like much. Idk if I have an under supply or what but this is exhausting. When she was in the nicu I would get easily 4oz per pump.