Brown spotting 11 weeks exactly. I don’t need to know what it could mean. I just need to see how many people are experiencing or have experienced this around the same time & everything was okay 🥺

Ashley🌼 • Jaxton 02.05.24 Jacqueline 01.28.24 Baby # 3 due date 09.01.25 Struggled with infertility for 6 years. God has a plan for everyone when you keep your faith in him! Thank you Jesus!!!!!

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Posted at
I had brown discharge as well as stomach pain AND server backpain at 9 weeks. It just magically disappeared the week after. OB said it’s old blood too. Hope that helps!


Jan • Jul 23, 2022
I also try not to worry as much but it’s hard😭. I had a MC last year with absolutely no symptoms, no discharge or pain at all. So discharge really doesn’t mean anything…:/


Ashley🌼 • Jul 23, 2022
Yea that helps so much! It has stopped, but I was so scared. Thank you for sharing ♥️🥹. I don’t feel so alonw


Posted at
Kept having this around week 5 to 7. It was much more than this on the first day for a few hours. Then it was like this occasionally like once a day in every 2-3 days. Although i had a vanishing twin, doctor had me on bed rest and told me to notify if i get period like cramps and much more blood.


Laura • Jul 23, 2022
Amen 🙏 ♥️


Ashley🌼 • Jul 23, 2022
I am sorry about your twin 🥺. Thank you for sharing. It stopped, hopefully for good. Praying for safe, happy, and healthy babies for us! ♥️


Posted at
I had this from like 9-10 weeks for 4 days straight and then on and off a few days and it was light pink! I just reached 11 weeks today and I haven’t seen it in a few days. my OB said don’t worry about it unless you’re gushing blood since your vagina and cervix are super swollen and vascular right now. I was panicking!! But I guess normal :)


Ashley🌼 • Jul 22, 2022
I feel so much better reading that thank you so much. You’re right everything down there is super sensitive and changing. Thank you so much again 🥹♥️


Posted at
I had some brown spotting at 9weeks. My OB was not concerned as it is old blood. They do recommend you notifying them if you have other symptoms accompanying it like severe abdominal cramping. I was also sick around this time and they told me this was probably the cause (GI upset.)


Ashley🌼 • Jul 22, 2022
Thank you Lauren! The nurses said if there are mo cramps equivalent to that of a period, or bright red blood, that it is okay. How far along are you now??? And how long did it last?