Are mangoes and apples safe?

Vanilla • Play the glad game😄

Hello 👋 Sending all my positive energy to you lovely ladies. I hope one of you ladies could answer a question for me? Forgive me if it's silly 😅 I have no experience in this field. So please excuse my rookie questions🤣 Are mangoes and apples safe to eat while pregnant? Thanks so much for help❤

Update: I have finally found some pregnancy books that actually help me and give me details that I really need to know. I also have found a some pregnancy cook books. Thank you all for your advice and help❤ I will share the books I found here.

Pregnancy Day By Day recommended by doctor

What to Expect When You're expecting Recommended by doctor

Eating for two

Feeding the bump

Expect the best

Pregnancy the beginners guide

Pregnancy cooking & Nutrition for dummies