Have I actually ovulated?


Hey guys,

I've been doing bbt for a good few months now and thought I was pretty confident at reading the charts but this month has completely thrown me.

My temps have been out of sync with my previous months all month long (not too excessively but noticeable) and my ovulation date is always changing, could be cycle say 21, could be cycle day 28 but it has always happened by now and always very clear on my chart.

This month temp spiked later than it has done before and I was sure that must be it but it's just dropped again. Fertility friend has given me a dotted line so I'm really not sure whether to consider this ovulation or not.

I also do LH tests but I didn't get a single positive all month even though I was doing them twice per day.

I have put my current chart below and also included the previous one just to show what it usually looks like for me once I've ovulated because it's not like this one.

Any advice/opinions would be helpful thanks 😊

Current cycle:

Last cycle: