We were not even trying for baby #2!šŸ¤£


So crazy how I always have been thinking of having another baby but we still wanted to wait. My baby just turned a year old and a week after I found out I was pregnant! Last couple days before I found out.. I felt super bloated and had to go pee all the time even throughout the night and had cramps which I thought my period was going to come any day.. I was a few days late and itā€™s normal for my periods to be late! I had this with my first pregnancy as well but I didnā€™t put two and two togetheršŸ˜‚ I took a pregnancy 2 days after my missed period and nothing.. I knew it was going to be nothing. After 8 days of missed period I was still cramping sometimes and felt bloated.. the next morning I just decided I was going to take another test.. and trust me when I say that I did NOT expect it to be positive AT ALL! I was just doing it ā€œjust cuzā€šŸ˜‚ I do it all the time when I have missed periods haha. When I saw the line I just froze in shock and cried with joy that this was actually happening. The first test was a cheap one from Amazon .. a pack of 20 small paper pregnancy tests that I always keep in my bathroom cabinet. After the positive.. I was thinking.. okay this might just be some cheap test so I went to the store to buy ā€œclear blueā€ pregnancy test.. it came with pack of the strip one and digital. But the weird thing is Iā€™m not sure why I thought the amazon pregnancy tests could be maybe wrong cuz with my first pregnancy this was also the test I took that I found out I was pregnant.. so they are very accuratešŸ˜‚ but to my surprise both the clear blue digital and strip one both were positive!