Having trouble connecting with baby in unplanned pregnancy

Hello people!

So I’m currently pregnant with what will be our second child. This pregnancy was unplanned and I had just had a baby last December (was switching birth control methods because of side effects and I guess we hit a weak spot). And honestly, it was the most stressful time to get pregnant. We were in the middle of moving states to be closer to my family, so we’re having to switch doctors and I’m seeing a new nurse midwife instead of my old OBGYN (who I loved), and everything’s been incredibly stressful.

With my son, I loved him the moment I saw two lines pop up on the test. With this pregnancy, I’ve just been scared and nervous. I’ve had none of the normal symptoms so if it wasn’t for the app reminding me to take my prenatal, I would forget I was pregnant. I did the sneak-peek in an attempt to feel more connected and the results came back a girl which honestly, just scares me a little more because I always had trouble connecting with other girls (for context I have 7 older brothers, no sisters and I have ASD and found it was easier to make guy friends than girl friends).

I’m already working on finding a new therapist since I also left my lovely therapist who had previously helped me through pregnancy lost an PPD but I was wondering if anyone had ever gone through something similar or if they had any advice.