“Suspected non viable”

Hcg at 5w2d - 4000

Hcg at 5w3d- 7500ish

Hcg at either 6w or 5w6d- 15000

Went for an early ultrasound at 6w. Was measuring a day behind (5w6d). Just got the report back from that ultrasound and it said “suspected non viable pregnancy” because they could see the yolk sac and fetal pole but no heartbeat. WHY DO DOCTORS FREAK YOU OUT LIKE THAT? My brain knows it was probably too early to see a heartbeat but my anxiety is taking over and I can’t stop crying.

Between my HCG not doubling within 48 hours and my morning sickness being not as bad as yesterday, I am panicked. Don’t go for my next ultrasound for another 10 days. So hard to go to work and act like everything is okay.