Anyone in nursing school/nurse student?

I really need to vent. I’m just so disappointed in myself with how much I’ve lacked with schooling. Long story short I started off great in college, but i then got into a relationship in 2017 and it turned toxic QUICKLY. My partner at the time practically gave me an option “school or him”. I picked him. I was BEYOND STUPID, I know I beat myself for it till this day. While in that relationship, I allowed my GPA to drop TREMENDOUSLY (4.0 to 1.6). I since then have been afraid to go back to school due to being afraid of worsening my GPA. I am going for my BSN, my advisors are no help whatsoever. I am in my sophomore year I’m college. Can someone please give me tips!!! I feel so helpless and lost at this point. I am open to anything and everything. I lost myself completely and I want to gain the academic person I used to be.