Guidance Needed


I had some cramping this morning and just now when I went to the bathroom, I had some slight vaginally bleeding and y breasts are no longer sore. Could this mean a miscarriage?? I didn't experience this with my first and I'm scared.

Bleeding is very light and the color is too. Which wouldn't be a concern for since I know that it can be normal, but my boobs have been sore for a week and all of a sudden, they aren't and I'm freaking out.

Anyone else experience this and still be pregnant?

Update: the bleeding had gotten darker and heavier, and has started to run out while I'm peeing. But other then that it's only noticeable when wiping.

I called my Dr office and they said to monitor the bleeding. If it starts to look more like a menstrual cycle, then I am to go to the ER to be checked out. I'm still freaking out, but I'm gonna monitor closely and pray for the best. So far no cramping.