Really going through it

So Im 27, engaged, have a house, a great relationship, a great work from home job and generally like everything was going super well.

I just found out im pregnant two months ago and I’ve been in such shock about it as i have PCOS and thought I would have so much trouble getting pregnant. Well we did get pregnant early on and as exciting as it is, it’s been super hard.

I was already in therapy but have been talking to my therapist about this. I just feel like I did something wrong. I was embarrased to tell my family and I didn’t even tell half of my friends yet in fear that they will judge me. I know I did things out of order and my whole family is in shock. My fiancé is over the moon excited, couldn’t care less what people think and he always is telling me to just stop caring because it’s not their life. But I do care what my family thinks of me.

A lot of my family members just are shocked by the news. Many of my family members have congratulated me and are excited but I just feel bad that I wasn’t married. I don’t know why. I’m embarrased and just want to set a good example for my younger cousins. What happened, happens and it’s a great blessing and I really am excited but I have these terrible feelings of sadness and alike a dark cloud is over me constantly. It’s always in the back of my mind. I feel terrible for feeling this way.

I haven’t heard from most of my family members as I’m not sure if they are happy or disappointed. My mom is excited but “wanted the wedding first” we weren’t going to have a big wedding anyway and I don’t know how many times I can say that for mt mom to believe it. I’m just sad a lot and don’t know if it’s normal