Possible labor?



I’m currently 35w3d, due August 31st.

last night while laying in bed I got three really sharp and sudden pains that hurt really, really bad. they started on the one side of my uterus and went down around into my pelvis and then it felt like it stopped in my cervix. It made me instantly nauseous and I almost cried because of the shock of it. I Have never had a pain like that before let alone 3 of them within a 3 minute period. I didn’t move at all or shift my body in any way when it happened so I’m fairly certain It wasn’t any round ligament type stuff.

After that I had a few contractions that weren’t consistent at all so I assume they were Braxton hicks. My cervix was super uncomfortable, my lower back just started aching, and I felt so so exhausted and nauseous. I ended up drinking some water, getting a snack, and going to bed.

I Slept really well and didn’t wake up at all through the night, but when I woke up this morning I just instantly felt so exhausted still like I had when I went to bed. My body is sore and it was uncomfortable getting out of bed. I also have a bad headache now and it won’t go away. Ive had a lot of Braxton hicks (nothing really consistent in length or spacing between but still a lot of them) all this morning and my cervix is very uncomfortable. I’ve been having those premenstrual-crampy feelings occasionally too. I’ve been drinking water and doing all the things the doctor says to do when you have these potential “false labor” things. Baby is moving great still, I’m not dehydrated, I know I’ve rested enough but Nothing is working.

I’m not sure when I should call my doctor to ask about what to do or if it’s a concern that I’ve had this stuff consistently.

Any time I’ve called before with similar things like the contractions to backache or crampy feelings they just tell me to do all of the things I’ve already done even when I say I’ve tried and it hasn’t worked.

I have had 2 previous cesareans and my babies are close together (15 months between my oldest and middle and there will be almost 12 between this one and my middle). I have another cesarean scheduled for this baby August 29th because she is frank breech like my last was. I’ve never actually gone into labor or dilated or anything either. My first daughter had severe amniotic banding and was taken at 38 weeks because it wasn’t safe to labor with her cord being wrapped. My second was taken at almost 40 weeks because she flipped breech suddenly and was pushing against my previous incision site and causing a lot of pain.

I don’t know when or if I should be concerned. Like I said, I don’t have any labor or prelabor experience so I’m not sure if that’s what this is. I’m not sure if it could be dilation or effacement either, I know some people can feel that happening too?

I don’t think she flipped into position because when my last daughter did that it was nothing like this and I could actually feel and see that she had.

I’ve never had the type of pain even similar to what I had last night, and I’m just generally feeling pretty miserable right now and nothing is even helping it a little. My incision site isn’t sore so that’s a plus, but I still don’t know what this is.

I don’t want to go into the hospital or anything for a check unless there’s real concern because i have two young children and my husband is working currently. I don’t really have the time or resources to just go in for a couple hours and be told it’s no big deal, to drink water and rest etc.🥲

Has anyone else had this type of discomfort or have any ideas whatsoever if I should be concerned?