Is this a rude/bitchy thing to say on Facebook?

Okay so quick back story, im 24 I’m a construction worker, not sure what I really want to do with my life and I don’t have my license because driving gives me horrible anxiety. I thought of doing a lot of different things, one of them for example, I thought about going to school for film, but when people ask me what I wanna do and I tell them that, they give me their unsolicited advice and opinions about why I shouldn’t do that then ask me when I’m gonna get a boyfriend. Family and other people I know are always constantly asking questions like when I’m gonna go to college when I’m gonna get my license when I’m gonna meet a man when I’m gonna get a different job etc. Its Annoying af. I’m making a living at what I do now so I don’t know why it’s a big deal. But something I’ve learned is I don’t have to tell anyone anything. This is my life. I focus on myself and don’t want to tell people my current project or next move because I don’t want the weight of other peoples expectations to bring me down.

I’ve always loved airplanes and I decided I wanted to get my pilots license. I didn’t tell anyone. Now, I’m almost done training and I’m ready to tell everyone. I want the world to know.

this is what I’m planning on posting on Facebook. Read the whole thing. Should I leave the highlighted part out?? I wasn’t originally gonna say that but I have a feeling people are gonna wanna know why I decided not to tell anyone, and I want them to know. But does that sound sassy/bitchy? I don’t mean it that way but I’m afraid it will come across that way to people. Should I re-word it? Or just leave it out??

Let me know!!!

(Also please don’t be rude… I’ve noticed lately people on this app have been being unnecessarily rude for no reason… idk what’s been up with people lately, I can take constructive criticism but there’s ways of giving that without being mean and insulting people lol.if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all)

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