16 weeks too early


When I was 22 weeks I had some light bleeding so I went in to get checked and they said everything was fine. The next day I had my anatomy scan they checked everything and said everything was great except my cervix. They had to do the internal ultrasound to double check it and I was told to go to the hospital asap. I get there and without one person telling me anything they admit me. When someone finally did come in 3 hours later they told me I was 2 cm dilated with the amniotic sac coming out. They said I might be able to get a cercige. So they checked for amniotic fluid and of course there was some. At that point I was not able to get it. I was terrified. Within 24 hours I had another doctor come in and tell me 80% of women experiencing this go into labor within 72 hours and that if that did happen they would do nothing to save/help her. So I did everything in my power to keep her in longer. 2 days later as I was going to the bathroom I felt something down there. They checked me out and said I was 4 cm. I stopped getting up to use the bathroom. And at that point I had not showered. I managed to get both steroid shots. Well on the last day of the shots I felt something again. They checked me again said I was the same. Everything was okay for a while. When I was 23 weeks 2 days they said it was okay to shower so I finally did. My shower was followed by intense cramping nurse kept saying I was okay cause the monitor was picking up any contractions. But the monitor was too high on my belly when the nurse left I moved it to where I felt the cramping. Next thing I know doctors came in to check me again but this time I was 6cm and they were moving me to a labor room. I was in “active” labor for 32 hours and had my baby girl at 23 weeks 5 days weighing only 1 pound 6.2 ounces. It has been a roller coaster in the nicu but she is doing amazing now and after 12 weeks she’s almost to the point where we can start talking about discharge. This experience has definitely been extremely traumatic for me and at this time I am terrified of getting pregnant again when before I wanted 3-5 kids. I now am not sure about anymore.