
I was very hopeful this month that I’ll finally get my BFP after my MC and D&C two months ago. But today, AF arrived. I am crushed 💔… I feel frustrated and I am starting to get paranoid that I might have developed uterine scars from the surgery.

There’re nothing unusual about my cycle. I had my period a month after d&c. Same regular cycle. Same length as well. 28 days.

In June I started using ovulation test kit. I had my static/solid smiley 😃. But I knew we missed our window because we didn’t have time to baby dance that specific day. But I was a lil hopeful because we baby dance 3 days before my peak.

This month I used OPK. And this time I used it twice. I confirmed that I was ovulating close to midnight so we baby danced right away. I’m sure it’s impossible to miss the peak window. I tested at 6am and it was flashing, and then at night and it was solid smiley.( I used clear blue advance btw). I don’t get why I’m

Ovulating but not getting pregnant.

I was so positive that I was gonna get my BFP this month, I wasted around 10 PT(different brands)of course they were all negative. I was not gonna lose hope until I started my period this morning. I cried

I told my partner that we will meet with my obgyne in September if I don’t get pregnant this August. It’s just strange why am ovulating but not getting pregnant. My partner is young, he’s 32 and am 34(well my age is close to geriatric pregnancy) I got pregnant the first attempt (prior to d&c).

I know I sound desperate because I am… I lose my pregnancy at 8 weeks. We are childless and We are praying for our 🌈 baby… 🙏🏼