Breast feeding & Pumping


Hi! FTM here and I have tried breast feeding my son. He’s 10 days old and he had a lip tie and tongue tie. We got that fixed right away. He will latch when he wants to. Most times it’s such a struggle to keep him latched. It can take a solid 15 minutes just to try to latch him. We switch positions and everything. But when we go see the lactation consultant, he makes me look like an ass and he will latch almost right away. But even my husband has seen the struggle that he gives me at home. Because of this, I’ve mostly just been pumping so he can still have the breast milk. I’m averaged about 2oz per side. I pump about every 2-2 1/2 hours. I think I’m just going to exclusively pump. So if anyone has ideas, tips & tricks, etc., flood me with them! I wanna know everything! Thank you!😊