Spotting or Period (TMI Post) Advice Plz


First thing 1st…my period is not til Tuesday August 2nd. I’m 12 DPO today… this morning around 9:30 am I took a pregnancy test and also noticed my urine look as it has blood in it and it did. The test came back negative and I said “Okay, it’s fine… my period is coming on today.” So, I put on a pad. Now, this when things gotten strange. I’m a heavy bleeder and last for 4 days. So, doing the day I’m cramping…saying “yep, I’m starting my period.” As the time going by I noticed that my body is not passing blood out ( because I can feel when it come down and out) I said to myself that Im just going to wait and check when I go to the restroom. I just went to the restroom and there was nothing on the pad but when I pee…still there is blood but not heavy. Also, I’m cramping still but on and off. Will this be a period or spotting? Info ( I mention this in a previous post, i just got my nexplanon removed on the 22nd of July but had my last period on the 5th of July) maybe this will help (I’m TTC too)