Bleeding/clotting at 4 weeks

I found out via an early pregnancy test 3 days prior to my missed period that we were pregnant with a rainbow baby. I took a year off ttc as last may we had suffered my first miscarriage (and first pregnancy). Obviously I was so happy. I found out last Wednesday. Friday, after intercourse, I realized I was spotting lightly when I wiped. I was nervous that this meant I was going to get my period as my period was due Friday. The amount of blood on the pad was the heaviest the flow ever got, so I really wasn’t bleeding much but I had some mild cramping. Saturday, I was still spotting and so so worried, and then I wiped and passed this. I am terrified bc it is very similar to how I miscarried last time, but last time, it was way more painful for DAYS and I definitely filled up several pads. I have an apt tomorrow to see my OBGYN so I have to wait til then. Has anyone had this happened and not miscarried? It is so sad because it always makes me feel like I am incapable of having a child