An eventful week already

Jillian • Jillian 🦧

I’m 6w5d today. Yesterday I had rust colored “spotting” when I wiped that felt significant so I called my OB and went in for an internal ultrasound. Got to see our baby and hear heartbeat (115) for the first time. Was diagnosed with a Subchorionic hemorrhage and just told no poking or irritating down there and I may see some more spotting but if it gets worse to call. Spotting stopped after the ultrasound but then today at 10 am I began heavily bleeding bright red blood and over the next 90 min had a lot of cramping and blood and passed a large palm sized clot. Went back in and baby is still here! Bpm 124. I was so scared when I saw that much blood and my doctor is so wonderful really putting me at ease and making me feel comfortable to call anytime I feel I need to. It’s apparently really common and the sch likes to move it’s way out so it’s likely I’ll have more bleeding. Fingers crossed it stays light and no cramps but at least now I won’t be as afraid.