What were your hcg numbers at 5 weeks ?


So tomorrow I will be 5 weeks exactly and I'm a nervous wreck as I had a chemical pregnancy back in June. I had a ultrasound yesterday but they only could see a gestational yolk sac and it measured 0.8 cm. But no heartbeat yet. My hcg were good 5,000+. I know of course it's too early to detect a heartbeat but I'm just want to see your numbers around this time to compare because with my chemical pregnancy around this time they couldn't even find the yolk sac and showed no sign of pregnancy but I kept getting positives pregnancy test for about 3 weeks after my miscarriage. 😔 💔 my hcg levels at that time were 39🥺 which they were worried because they said every 48hrs the numbers double. They said I mostlikely miscarried and i was heartbroken 💔🥺now with this pregnancy they said I would have to wait a week or two to be able to hear the heartbeat but that so far everything looks good with this pregnancy. I'm just praying this little peanut is a sticky bean. As this is my 4th pregnancy with 1 loss. I have two healthy kids but wanted 1 more. If I get to keep this baby will be my last. I can't go through another loss. I would be happy with my 3❤️. My rainbow 🌈 baby 👶 is due April 6th, 2023 and it's her/his cousin birthday. So they will share birthdays together ❤️. But who knows with my two I delivered at 38 weeks I was early for both so will see with this one. Praying 🙏 for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. I swear this time around my anxiety is off the roof and I feel time is passing so slow. So please share with me what were your numbers at 4 weeks 5 days+ 🤰👶👶👼🌈