Worst appointment ever!


Found out 7/31 I was pregnant. Had a regular OBGYN appointment today 8/4 scheduled weeks ago. I go in and tell them I found out I’m pregnant and the nurse said to me “well this doctor doesn’t do babies so we can’t help you” I started crying and freaking out. I went to check out and told them I had called and asked if I needed to change my appointment and they had said no!! They said they could schedule my ultrasound for 9/16 and I told them all I wanted right now was something sooner just to confirm everything and ask simple questions because this is my first child. Thankfully the front desk ladies were so kind and had a midwife talk to me really quick to answer some questions. When one of the ladies was talking to the first nurse my husband and I both could hear them arguing about what was happening. I told them that that nurse was to never see me again. I now go in 9/13 for an ultrasound and first actual appointment.