Help, i need advice.

So i started talking to this guy a few weeks back. We met at our workplace, & I remember seeing him at orientation and thought he was so cute. I didn’t see him again for another week or two, & then I remember randomly thinking about him and we ended up working together that day. We did a lot of back and forthing, he gave me a ride home at the end of the night, he walked me to my door and tried to kiss me. I denied obviously l o l, but then we agreed to hang after work that Thursday. We ended up going to the beach, and fell asleep in my hammock i brought until like 3am. We did kiss, and it was beautiful. The night sky was clear and the moon was this blood red color. He picked me up and swung me around, and it was truly like a movie scene. I told him he could spend the night as long as he knew we weren’t doing the nasty💀. We started hanging out every day after that. He was spending the night, we were going to different docks and stargazing, we even danced under the stars. He sang for me one night when he took me home (he has a nice voice too) & then i sang for him and he just stared at me the entire time, and told me he no longer wanted to have sex w me, & that he wanted to make love instead😂💀. Whatever, we did it, & that shit was worth the wait tbh. We got closer after that, started taking showers together, going to the gym, staying up until 3-4 just talking about everything. But heres the climax, I’m leaving for Florida tomorrow, and he leaves for his first year of college next Friday. He’s been distancing himself from me since Tuesday and i asked him why, and he said its bc he’s become attached to me and that he needs to digress from our “situation” bc he doesn’t want it to hurt as bad when he leaves. He wont even look me in the eyes like he was and he barely wanted to kiss me. I will say we’re both on the same page about not wanting to have anything serious right now, but I’m just scared that he never actually cared and that theres somebody else. I’ve convinced myself that if its meant to be, then it will be. But i just don’t know if he truly feels the same way. He did tell me he didn’t want to meet anyone else now that’s he met me & that he doesn’t want to leave. Idk, what I’m trying to say is, do y’all think he actually cares about me ? And that he’s actually distancing from me for his own good?