Maybe baby due April 14th?🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s pure agony! Lol. The last test I had taken was yesterday at my job (clinic) and it was negative but my cycle was still late. I woke up cramping this morning and only bled when I wiped but it didn’t look like the typical start of my flow because it was light pink with brown. I used a light tampon and took some Midol before work because I was cramping so badly. I felt fine when I got to work but after me and my teammates ate lunch I instantly felt nauseous and threw up. My lower stomach feels full and kind of heavy and warm and I feel like I can feel my heart rate increasing. I put on a pad to see if it’s my period or still spotting. I had a twin pregnancy over 12 years ago, so Im really not sure if what Im experiencing is implantation bleeding/early pregnancy symptoms or my cycle… I also have back pain and feel breathless after doing anything. Have been having headaches off and old for the past two weeks. If my calculations are right I should be 4 weeks and 1 day….oh the agony! 😩😭😭🤣