

Good morning ladies! I’m just wanted to talk a little about what I’ve been through and ttc. I got pregnant when I was 16 but it was a chemical pregnancy. Then at 19 I got pregnant again, this time with twins. I miscarried at 7 weeks with one, then a few days later with the other. I got pregnant again at 21, miscarried at 8 weeks. Got pregnant again 3 months later, miscarried at 14 weeks. Got pregnant again at 23, miscarried at 8 weeks. I’ve had tons and tons of testing done to figure out why I keep miscarrying. They found that I have a bicornuate (heart shaped) uterus, endometriosis, and more recently I was diagnosed with PCOS. My OB put me on metformin for the PCOS and started me on letrozole for fertility. It’s only been one cycle, my period is due in 6 days. I told my husband that we probably wouldn’t get pregnant on the first cycle, but my OB said my progesterone levels indicate that there’s a chance I could be. I haven’t taken a test because I won’t be able to stop until I get a BFP or my period. Has anyone else had these issues and successfully gotten pregnant?