Should i be worried? My anxiety is bad this week

My bf and I have only had sex 4 times since April. I moved in in June. I’m also 20 weeks pregnant.

He has all his notification tones and messaging tones except Facebook the same tone. He said he doesn’t know how to change it. He keeps his phone on him all the time. But had me do a baby registry yesterday, but seemed to want me to just do it on my phone (he has prime, I don’t). I let him go through my texts whenever so I looked at his. Last text was from august 2nd, and I could have sworn his mom texted him after that. He says she didn’t and I’ve been gaslighted before and in an abusive relationship where I was cheated on before and I just don’t want to be screwed over again. I am most likely in the wrong for assuming, and I feel bad for it, especially if he’s not, but my social skills aren’t the best (I’m autistic) and I have let a lot of people walk over me and it took awhile for me to realize it.

You think I’m overthinking it and he’s telling the truth? Or maybe my hormones are making me crazy? My gut is telling me something is wrong. But my anxiety also makes me feel similar to that.

Also, I mentioned it to him last night. He said “did she message me after that? I’ll have to look.” And this morning I said I was possibly going out of town to do grocery shopping and he ran in and handed me his debit card and said to spend $50 on whatever I want for me baby or my son. Someone told me that could be guilt. But idk. I’m so confused right now and I just want to cry.