Lost then read this 😊

Vanilla • Play the glad game😄

Hello ladies 🌹 Sending my prayers and positive energy to all of you ladies. If you are completely lost like I was and need help but can't get answers or help from anyone. Maybe even you get help but not what you wanted. Superstitions and internet browsing driving you doctor or anyone else stock raving made with questions. So lost your crying and feel so helpless because you know next to nothing. Even if you got a good idea ask your doctor about these books. I have been searching for so long for answers or something to help and finally I have found something. I wanted to share these books with you to help anyone who needs help and was so lost like me. You can find these books easy enough online. Just make sure to check with your doctor of their credibility 😊 I hope they help you❤

Pregnancy Day By Day

What to Expect When You're Expecting

Eating for two

Feeding the bump

Expect the best

Pregnancy the beginners guide

Pregnancy cooking & Nutrition for dummies