Picky Eater!


My son is so picky with food! He will eat almost every fruit imaginable, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, waffles, fruit snacks, crackers, French fries, sometimes grilled cheese, string cheese, yogurt, sometimes Mac n cheese but he refuses to eat any protein (meat/fish/eggs) or any vegetables. Sometimes I will make a green smoothie with bananas, spinach , peanut butter, chia seeds, flax seeds, protein powder. He used to drink so much of it and now he will have a few sips and then put his hand in it or something. My husband made him dinosaur chicken nuggets scene with a hill of mashed potatoes and “trees” (broccoli) and he ate the chicken nuggets and that’s it. I just feel so defeated and that maybe his tantrums and meltdowns are because he is not getting the nutrients he needs. Any advice would be so helpful. I am pescatarian and eat pretty healthy and cook so much but he won’t eat anything except what is listed above. I always try and give him stuff off my plate and he won’t eat so I always give in and make him one of the things above because I don’t want him to starve.