

I’m so fucking terrified right now it’s almost 4:30am this should be my 2nd rainbow baby and I’m bleeding. At first it was super super light and came after sex and now its red when I wipe I feel cramps and I seen some blood in the toilet. I’m around 6-8 weeks I was making my appointment Friday. I’ve bleed a lot of blood after sex before with my son, who didn’t make it but that was during sex. This is like 15 hours later. I know no matter what it is that that’s what it’ll be which is so heart breaking that pregnancy can’t be saved unless you’re already a little more than halfway there. I’m going to go to the emergency room but to be the cause of my own heart break and especially my fiancé for the 3rd time will be enough to break someone… it’s so hard to think positive when the negativity is in your underwear.. I’m so scared I couldn’t even tell him.