How much is normal?

Are you supposed to have red bleeding during labour and delivery? Its always said to call the midwife/OB if you experience any bright red bleeding, is that just because you’re close to giving birth once you’re at that point or is it actually a sign of a complication?

TMI warning; when I had my son I had really painless contractions all morning until labour stopped around 2pm. Around 6 I had maybe 3 contractions that were very strong and I felt a gush. I had assumed it was my waters but it was actually just a ton of blood, when I sat on the toilet it flowed out of me like I was urinating followed by a fist sized clot. I was freaking out at this point and my sister in law said some people just have bloodier shows than others. I continued to bleed until the midwife arrived and I was 8.5cm. My water broke at 845pm and it was mixed with blood. For the next 40 minutes until my son was born every contraction I had bright red bleeding POURING out, needing a new blue pad under me every contraction. When my son was actually born i had such a big gush when his head came out that it flowed backwards down my hips and was pooling under my back. He ended up aspirating blood somewhere on the way out and it took him a while to cry. I had no issues with my uterus not contracting properly after and I didn’t have any tearing. So WHERE was all of the blood coming from, my placenta was malformed when they inspected it, it was shaped like a heart ❤️ basically could it have been from that? They were constantly checking my pulse and wouldn’t let me shower or use the washroom alone after. The poor midwife got in there with me fully clothed just to make sure I didn’t pass out in there. I feel like everyone knew it wasn’t normal but were just waiting to see how I held up before making any decisions about sending me to the hospital