For those having spotting/bleeding in 1st trimester

I had bleeding that ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks in 2013. This last pregnancy I had the same bleeding (just as heavy and same color) and I was sure I was miscarrying again. I went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound. I was supposed to be 7w6d. My beta was 32,412 and the ultrasound showed only a yolk sac. I was told with my beta and not seeing a fetal pole, I shouldn’t get my hopes up and they’d do another ultrasound in a week. That week was torture! I only bled another day or so and it stopped. I over analyzed all my symptoms and checked my underwear every time I used the restroom. I googled everything about pregnant bleeding, beta numbers and outcomes. It was hell. I went back for the ultrasound a week later and to everyone’s surprise there was a fetal pole and heartbeat. They dated me only 6w3d at that ultrasound and my due date was moved from January 2nd to January 12th. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy in January 2nd, so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ The doctors at the hospital told me not to be hopeful because my beta was so high and when no fetal pole is seen with my beta numbers it meant miscarriage. They were sure I was going to and everything I Googled on the subject showed research studies that said the same thing, yet I have a 7-month-old that defied the odds!!!