Advocate for yourselves

I just came here to tell you ladies to advocate for yourselves! When you feel you’re not being heard, keep advocating! When you feel the doctors don’t believe you, keep advocating! When the medical advice you receive doesn’t sit right with your spirit, KEEP ADVOCATING!

I am a 32 year old woman who aside from PCOS is extremely healthy! I have 1 child, she is 5 whom I conceived with the use of clomid and metformin back in 2016. We recently decided we were ready for number 2. I thought that this time would be as easy as the first but boy was I wrong! This time I found myself dealing with the doctors that didn’t listen to me. Doctor Who felt that they knew my body better than me. Doctors who stood in front of me and told me that I do not have PCOS. The kicker is I was only told I didn’t have PCOS because my periods are regular 😒. Never mind The fact that the same office did an ultrasound on me and confirmed that they can visually see the PCOS. The problem is every time you go to this office you see a different provider, there’s no consistency.

These doctors insisted that there had to be something more going on with my body because I’m now 32. I had an SSG (SHG?), Countless ultrasounds. Each time the results weren’t enough they needed more test, more information. At one point I gave up mentally, I left their office sobbing and decided that this is just way too hard way more difficult than it needed to be and I’m just not gonna try to have anymore kids.

I decided to advocate for myself one last time, let’s give it one more go so I go back to the doctor and I demand that they listen to me and demand that we try a round of Clomid and metformin to see if my body responds. Because I know my body I know that the issue that I’m having with conceiving is that I’m not ovulating. The doctor reluctantly agreed she said will do one round of chlamydia Met Forman if your body doesn’t respond we’re going to need to go into an HSG. So I say okay, we do the one round. I come back for a follicle check, she says my body didn’t respond to the clomid. At this point, I’m devastated bc “what’s wrong with me?” “Am I in pre-menopause?” “I’m never gonna have kids again”. I gave up again.

It was at this point that I decided let’s try a different doctor. In light of everything that I had already experienced I went ahead and got the HSG done on my own. Great news my tubes aren’t blocked I can conceive naturally, so what does that tell us my body is not ovulating just as I said. Because I decided that I would go to a different doctor I requested my records from the original doctor. While going over these records with my current doctor she says to me “I thought you said that your body didn’t respond to the Clomid?” I said “it didn’t that’s what they told me when I went in for the follicle check.” My doctor then told me that the original doctor noted the follicle size to be 16mm on the day of the follicle check and she would have administered the trigger shot.

I am devastated bc is getting pregnant not already difficult enough? I cried in that original doctors office. I told them many times I felt they were giving me the run around, making the process unnecessarily hard and just trying to get as much money as they could out of me. They assured me this wasn’t the case but I know now that my assumption was correct!

I now have a new doctor, she’s great, she listens to me and we have a plan! I’ll be starting Letrozole next cycle! Wish me luck everyone!

TL;DR : My doctor told me my body didn’t respond to clomid when it did in fact respond. They intentionally delayed my fertility journey to run unnecessary tests and get more money from me. These doctors be lying! Advocate for yourself! You know your body! You live inside it everyday!